Simply Sage
1/24 @6:45pm A Women Empowerment Gathering - Honoring the Pause
1/24 @6:45pm A Women Empowerment Gathering - Honoring the Pause
Join Women Empowerment Coach Leigha Anjos for Mothering in Gratitude, a few hours of EMPOWERMENT AND CONNECTION time for YOU because YOU deserve it!!
We will be exploring topics that impact how we approach our daily lives. Some topics are directed more towards mothers, and other topics can be applied by all women irregardless of parental status.
You will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your needs with an empowered and encouraged approach utilizing our collective knowledge and experience to ensure you are showing up for YOU in all the ways that fill your cup.
Honoring the PAUSE allows us to see where there is more space in our day to day lives for us to utilize in the slow ways we need it most.
To take the moment instead of rush into it.
To slow down when we feel like speeding up.
To honor our needs in alllll the ways we need them to be honored.
Join us for a sound healing, a sister blessing, a special meditation, and a plan creation for moving forward in utilizing the pause.